Service Terms of Foreign Trade Pass

Please read this agreement carefully. Foreign Trade Connect provides
the services you enjoy based on the following conditions and terms

Welcome to read the Service Terms Agreement of Foreign Trade Pass (hereinafter referred to as "this Agreement"). The terms and conditions set forth in this agreement apply to your use of various tools and services (hereinafter referred to as "Services") provided by Waimaotong Chinese website ( promotion and communication in the electronic market (e-market) between enterprises (B-TO-B).

All terms of this privacy statement are part of the Foreign Trade Service Agreement. By agreeing to this agreement, you have agreed to our use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this privacy statement.

1. Accept terms

To protect your rights and interests, by voluntarily registering and using the Foreign Trade Communication Station, you fully understand and understand all the terms of this service agreement, and agree to enter into this agreement with Foreign Trade Communication, and you will be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement ("Terms"). During the performance of this agreement, Foreign Trade Tong may modify this service agreement according to the situation. Once there are any changes to the terms and conditions of this service agreement, Foreign Trade Express will publish an announcement on its website and publish the latest service agreement. Please pay attention to the announcement in a timely manner.. If you do not agree to the relevant changes, you can immediately stop using the "service". Once the revised terms are published on the Foreign Trade Platform, they will automatically take effect immediately. You should carefully read the revised "Terms" after the first login and have the right to choose to stop continuing to use the "Service"; Once you continue to use the Services, it means that you have accepted the revised Terms and Conditions. In case of any dispute between you and Foreign Trade, the latest Service Agreement shall prevail. Unless otherwise explicitly stated, any new content that expands or enhances the scope or functionality of the Services shall be bound by this Agreement.

2. Service users

"Services" are only available to individuals (natural persons or companies) who have full civil capacity in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. If you do not have the civil capacity that is suitable for your behavior as mentioned above, you and your guardian shall bear the corresponding consequences in accordance with the law, and Foreign Trade has the right to terminate the services provided to you and cancel your account.

3. Fees

1)The services provided by the Foreign Trade Platform to you have incurred a significant cost. In addition to the fee based services explicitly stated by the Foreign Trade Platform, the services provided by the Foreign Trade Platform to you are currently free of charge. If future foreign trade charges you reasonable fees, Foreign Trade Connect will take reasonable measures and notify you in advance through legal procedures in the effective manner stipulated in this agreement to ensure that you have the right to make full choices.

2)All taxable expenses, as well as related hardware, software, communication, network services, and other expenses incurred by you in conducting transactions, obtaining paid services from Foreign Trade Connect, or accessing Foreign Trade Connect servers, shall be borne by you.

3)When our company accepts any fee based business,It only supports transfer/remittance to corporate accounts (including but not limited to bank corporate accounts, Alipay/WeChat corporate accounts, etc.), and does not support transfer/remittance to personal accounts in any form. To ensure the normal operation of your paid services and the safety of your funds, please do not transfer/remit funds to your personal account in any form.

4. Foreign Trade Communication Station is only used as an information publishing platform

This website only provides network technology services such as information storage space, search, and links. This website serves only as a platform for users to search for trading partners, publish and search for goods and services, and obtain various trade-related information. At present, this website does not provide transaction functions between enterprises, nor does it participate in any transaction process between enterprises. Moreover, this website cannot control the quality, safety or legality of the items involved, the authenticity or accuracy of information, and the ability of the trading parties to fulfill their obligations under trade agreements. In addition, you should note that the risk of engaging in transactions with foreign nationals, minors, or individuals acting through fraudulent means objectively exists. This website will do its best to check the legality of its information before providing services to users, but unexpected situations may still inevitably occur.

5. Your information and items for sale

Your information includes any information provided by you to our company or other users during the registration, trading, or listing process, in any public information occasion, or through any email form. You are fully responsible for your information, and our company only serves as a passive channel for you to publish and publish your information online. However, if we think that "your data" may make us bear legal or moral responsibilities, or may make us lose the services of our Internet service providers or other suppliers, or you do not log on to the website within the specified period, we can take any action we think necessary or appropriate on "your data" at our own discretion, including but not limited to deleting such data. You hereby guarantee that you have full rights, including all copyrights, to the "Your Materials" submitted to Foreign Trade Communication. You confirm that Foreign Trade Communication is not responsible for identifying or determining which information you submit to our company should be protected, and our company is not responsible for the use of your information by other users who enjoy the service.

1)Registration obligations

If you register on the Foreign Trade Platform, you agree:

(a) Provide truthful, accurate, complete, and reflective information about you or your company in accordance with the requirements of the membership information form published on the Foreign Trade Platform; You need to confirm that the information you provide does not contain any misleading statements or false information (including but not limited to your name or name, contact person, contact address, contact phone number, email address, postal code, fax, and other valid contact information). Foreign Trade Tong will deliver various notices to you through one or more of your above contact information, and the content of such notices may affect your rights and obligations in Foreign Trade Tong. Please be sure to pay attention to them in a timely manner;

(b) Maintain and update member information in a timely manner to ensure it remains true, accurate, complete, and reflects the current situation. For the convenience of buyers to contact you in a timely manner. If you are unable to contact you through these contact methods, resulting in any losses or additional expenses incurred during the use of the Foreign Trade Station, you will be solely responsible for all liabilities;

(c) The staff of Foreign Trade Tong have the right to provide various commercial information related to the services provided by the Foreign Trade Tong station (including but not limited to order information, commercial activities, etc.) through the contact information you provide (including but not limited to email, mobile phone number or contact address, etc.) in the form of email, text message, phone, on-site visit, etc. If you refuse to continue receiving the above commercial information, you must notify Foreign Trade Tong in writing.

The purpose of collecting contact information is to implement the service terms of Foreign Trade Connect and provide you with more convenient "services" of Foreign Trade Connect, so that potential partners or staff can contact you in a timely manner, facilitate the achievement of trade cooperation opportunities, or solve possible problems.

If you fail to fulfill the aforementioned obligations, or if Foreign Trade has reasonable grounds to suspect that you have not fulfilled the aforementioned obligations, Foreign Trade has the right to suspend or terminate your registered identity and information, and refuse your future use of the Services (or any part thereof) in any form. If you represent a company or other legal entity registered on Foreign Trade, you declare and guarantee that you have the right to bind the company or other legal entity to the terms of this agreement.

2)Information collection and processing

By registering with our company, you declare and guarantee that you have the right to bind the company or other legal entities to the terms of this agreement.

We strictly guarantee the privacy rights of users and keep their relevant information confidential. Unless permitted by the user or required by law, Foreign Trade Connect will not disclose user information.

If the following situations are met, Foreign Trade has the right to provide user related information in good faith:

(a) You authorize or agree to disclose;

(b) The need to implement the service terms of Foreign Trade Connect;

(c) Protect the legitimate rights and interests or personal safety of Foreign Trade Connect, other users, and the general public;

(d) On the premise that third parties have legitimate and legitimate reasons, we will share your information with more high-quality suppliers, so that third parties can provide you with better services or improve the quality and personalization of services;

(e) Corresponding laws and regulations require or when government agencies require foreign trade to cooperate in providing relevant information in accordance with legal procedures.

The company name, address, contact person, phone number, and other information provided by you for trade development needs will be directly or indirectly listed on the relevant pages of Foreign Trade Connect and made public to all users, so that potential partners can contact you in a timely manner and facilitate the achievement of trade cooperation opportunities. Therefore, we suggest that you carefully consider publishing any personal information in such public information.

Meanwhile, Foreign Trade Tong reserves the right to provide partners with the comprehensive analysis results of the relevant information you have submitted, but only the comprehensive analysis results will be provided to them.

3)Member registration name, password, and confidentiality

During the registration process, you will choose the member registration name (also known as login or username) and password. You are responsible for keeping your membership registration name and password confidential, and are responsible for all activities that occur under your membership registration name and password. You agree: (a) If you discover any unauthorized use of your member registration name or password, or any other violation of confidentiality regulations, you will immediately notify Foreign Trade Express; And (b) ensure that you leave the website with the correct steps at the end of each online session. Foreign Trade Tong cannot and will not be responsible for any losses incurred due to your failure to comply with this provision.

If your company needs to close its account on Foreign Trade due to unforeseen circumstances such as development needs, please go to the "Customer Service Center" and use the "Delete Free Store" function to cancel it on your own.

4)Rules regarding your information

You agree that "your information" and any "items" you display for trading on the Foreign Trade Platform (generally referring to all specific items that are available for legal transactions, tangible or intangible, and exist in various forms, etc.).

a. There will be no fraudulent elements, and it is not related to the sale, forgery or theft;

b. Will not infringe upon any third party's property rights, intellectual property rights, privacy or reputation rights over the item or information;

c. Will not violate any laws, regulations, rules or regulations (including but not limited to laws, regulations, rules or regulations on regulating export management, trade quotas, protecting consumers, unfair competition or false advertising);

d. Will not contain defamation (including commercial defamation), illegal intimidation, or illegal harassment;

e. Will not contain obscene or any child pornography content;

f. Will not contain any viruses, disguising programs, computer worms, timer bombs, or other computer programs that intentionally destroy, maliciously interfere with, secretly intercept, or invade any system, data, or personal data;

g. Not directly or indirectly connected to, or containing descriptions of, the following goods or services: (i) prohibited goods or services under this Agreement; Or (ii) you do not have the authority to connect to or include goods or services. In addition, you agree not to: (h) use the "Service" in connection with any chain of letters, large amounts of randomly mailed emails, indiscriminate emails, or any copied or redundant information; (i) Using the "Service" to collect the email addresses and other information of other individuals without their consent; Or (j) using the "service" to create false email addresses, or attempting to mislead others in other forms regarding the sender's identity or the source of information.

5)Prohibited items

You are not allowed to publish or sell on our company's website: (a) any items that may cause our company to violate any relevant laws, regulations, rules or regulations; Or (b) any items that are deemed prohibited or unsuitable for sale through this website by Foreign Trade Connect.

6)Dispute resolution of information infringement

You hereby undertake to assume full responsibility for any information provided on this website in accordance with the law. This website assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, legality, or authenticity of this information. Due to the information you provide infringing on the legitimate rights of any third party, this website does not assume any responsibility. In addition, this website does not assume any responsibility for any commercial activities or risks related to the use or provision of information on this website.

If you believe that anyone's registration information on this website has infringed upon your legitimate rights and interests, you should immediately send an email to Or notify me in writing by mail, fax, or other means of infringement of specific information, infringement methods, and provide relevant proof, so that my website can take corresponding measures such as deleting the information.

6. The license granted to our company by you

You grant our company the exclusive, globally applicable, permanent, and free license to use (and the right to sublicense such rights at multiple levels), enabling us to (in whole or in part) use, copy, revise, rewrite, publish, translate, distribute, execute, and display "Your Materials" or create derivative works thereof, and/or incorporate "Your Materials" into other works in any form, media, or technology currently known or developed in the future. You clearly understand and agree that, on the premise of not violating laws and regulations, Foreign Trade has the right to recommend products related to the industry on this website in your store without giving written notice and without affecting the normal display of your company's products.

7. Privacy

Despite the licensing rights stipulated in Article 6, Foreign Trade Tong will only use "Your Information" in accordance with our company's privacy statement. All terms of our company's privacy statement are part of this agreement, therefore, you must carefully read them. Please note that once you voluntarily disclose "your information" at the trading location of Foreign Trade Connect, your approval or consent to such information may be obtained and used by others.

8. Transaction Procedures

1)Add product description entry

A product description is a textual description, drawing, and/or photo provided by you for display on the Foreign Trade Platform, which can be (a) a description of the product you own and wish to sell; Or (b) a description of the product you are looking for. You can publish any type of product description on the Foreign Trade Platform, or both types at the same time, provided that you classify the product description into the correct category. (c) Without the permission of the legitimate rights holder, it is strictly prohibited for anyone to display product images on this website. Any unauthorized use of such images on this website may violate international law, trademark law, privacy law, communication and other laws and regulations. Foreign Trade Communication Station is not responsible for the accuracy or content of product descriptions.

2)Handling transaction disputes

Our company will not and cannot be involved in transactions involving all parties involved. If you have a dispute with one or more users, or with a third-party service provider whose services you obtain through our company's website, you are exempt from any (actual and consequential) claims, demands, and damages arising from such dispute.

In addition, Foreign Trade Connect has the right to accept and handle disputes, controversies, and complaints between you and other members or third parties arising from the use of Foreign Trade Connect or product rights defects. It has the right to contact you through email or other means to inquire about the situation and notify the other party of the information obtained through email or other means. You have an obligation to provide relevant information within the designated time after receiving the notice from Foreign Trade Communication, and to cooperate in understanding and handling disputes, controversies, and complaints. Otherwise, Foreign Trade Communication has the right to unilaterally and independently judge whether other members or third parties have established complaints and/or payment demands against you, and make unfavorable processing results for you. If Foreign Trade determines that the compensation claims of other members or third parties are valid, you should promptly make the payment, and Foreign Trade has the right to immediately suspend or terminate your relevant Foreign Trade services or refuse to use Foreign Trade in any form. Foreign Trade Tong shall not be held responsible for any service reduction or other consequences caused to you as a result.

3)Apply common sense

Our company cannot and does not attempt to control the information provided by other users through the "service". Essentially, the information of other users may be offensive, harmful, or inaccurate, and in some cases may contain incorrect labeling or be fraudulently labeled. We hope that you will be cautious and use common sense when using our website.

9. Trading system

1)Do not manipulate transactions

You agree not to use your accomplices (subordinate clients or third parties) to manipulate the results of commercial negotiations with another trading party.

2) System integrity

You agree that you shall not use any device, software, or routine program to interfere with the normal operation of the Foreign Trade Station or any transactions being conducted on our company's website. You shall not take any action to impose unreasonable or disproportionate large loads on our company's network structure.

3) Feedback

You shall not take any action that may damage the integrity of the information feedback system, such as using a second member identity or leaving positive feedback for yourself by a third party; Using a second member identity or a third party to leave negative feedback for other users (feedback data bombardment); Or leave negative feedback (maliciously imposed feedback) when the user fails to perform certain actions beyond the scope of the transaction.

10.Termination or Access Restrictions

You agree that, in the absence of any charges from Foreign Trade, Foreign Trade may, at its sole discretion, terminate your "Service" password, account (or any part thereof) or your use of the "Service" for any reason (including but not limited to Foreign Trade's belief that you have violated the terms and conditions, or that you have acted in a manner that does not comply with the terms and conditions, or that you have not logged into the website with your account and password for more than 6 months), and delete and discard the "Your Information" submitted during the use of the "Service", which cannot be retrieved after being deleted.

You agree that in the event that Foreign Trade charges you, Foreign Trade Tong shall terminate the service based on reasonable suspicion and upon email notification. Foreign Trade Tong may, at its sole discretion, stop providing the Services or any part thereof at any time with or without notice. You agree that any measures to terminate your use of the Services in accordance with any provisions of this Agreement may be implemented without prior notice, and acknowledge and agree that Foreign Trade Tong may immediately invalidate your account or revoke your account and all relevant information and files in your account, and/or prohibit you from further accessing such files or Services. After the account is terminated, Foreign Trade Pass is not obligated to retain any information in or related to the original account for you, or to forward any information that has not been read or sent to you or any third party. In addition, you agree that Foreign Trade Connect shall not be liable to you or any third party for terminating your access to the Services. Articles 12, 13, 14, and 22 shall remain in effect after the termination of this Agreement.

11. Handling of violations of rules

Without limiting other remedies, if any of the following situations occur, our company may immediately issue a warning, temporarily suspend or permanently terminate your membership, delete any existing product information of you, and any other information displayed on your website: (i) you violate this agreement; (ii) Our company is unable to verify or authenticate any information you provide to our company; Or (iii) We believe that your actions may result in any legal liability against you, our users, or third-party service providers who provide services through our company or our website. Without limiting any other remedies, if you are found to be engaged in fraudulent activities involving our company's website, Foreign Trade may suspend or terminate your account.

You agree that if this website receives written notice from anyone that the information you provide about you or your products infringes on their legitimate rights and interests, or if this website has reason to believe that the information you provide about you or your products may infringe on the legitimate rights and interests of third parties, including but not limited to infringement of intellectual property rights such as trademarks, domain names, patents, etc., this website may issue a warning to you and temporarily suspend your services. After receiving the warning, you can apply to this website to restore your services by providing us with relevant materials that are legal for your information, or by changing the information that you may infringe on. After reviewing the materials you provide or reviewing the change information you submit on this website, if it is deemed that the information no longer constitutes an infringement of the rights of others, we will resume providing services to you. This website shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses caused to you by the suspension of service or deletion of information.

If your suspected violation of commitments causes damage to any third party, you shall independently assume all legal responsibilities in your own name and ensure that Foreign Trade Tong is exempt from liability.

12. Provide services "as is"

Our company will make every effort to make your use of the Foreign Trade Platform enjoyable. Unfortunately, our company cannot foresee any technical issues or other difficulties at any time. These difficulties may lead to data loss or other service interruptions. Therefore, you clearly understand and agree that the risk of using the "Service" is borne by you. "Services" are provided on the basis of "as is" and "as available". Foreign Trade Express expressly declares that it does not make any express or implied warranties of any kind, including but not limited to warranties of merchantability, suitability for a specific purpose, and no infringement. Foreign Trade Express does not guarantee that: (i) "Services" will meet your requirements; (ii) The "Service" shall not be interrupted, and shall be timely, safe, and error free; (iii) The results that may be obtained through the use of "services" will be accurate or reliable; And (iv) the quality of any products, services, materials or other materials purchased or obtained through the Services will meet your expectations. Downloading or obtaining any materials through the use of the Service is at your sole discretion, and any risks related to this are at your own risk. You will be responsible for any damage to your computer system or any data loss that may occur as a result of downloading any such materials. Any oral or written opinions or materials obtained by you from or through or through the "Service" do not give rise to any warranties not explicitly stated in this Agreement.

13. Scope of Responsibility

You clearly understand and agree that Foreign Trade Communication shall not be liable for any damages arising from any of the following circumstances, including but not limited to losses in profit, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses (regardless of whether Foreign Trade Communication has been informed of the possibility of such damages): (i) use or failure to use the Services; (ii) The cost of obtaining substitute goods and services arising from the purchase or acquisition of any goods, samples, data, information or services through or from the Services, or the receipt of any information or the conclusion of any transactions through or from the Services; (iii) Unauthorized access or modification of your transmission data or data; (iv) Any third party's statement or behavior regarding the Services; Or (v) any other matters related to the Services arising from any reason, including negligence.

14. Compensation

You agree that if you violate this Agreement or any other documents mentioned herein that are included in this Agreement, or if you violate the law or infringe upon the rights of third parties, and any third party makes a claim against Foreign Trade Tong and its subsidiaries, branches, directors, employees, agents (including judicial fees and other professional fees), you must compensate Foreign Trade Tong and its subsidiaries, branches, directors, employees, agents, etc., to protect them from losses.

15. Compliance with laws

You shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations, rules and regulations related to your use of the Services, as well as your bidding, purchase and sale of any items, and provision of commercial information.

For any disputes arising from trading activities on the Foreign Trade Platform, you agree that judicial authorities (including but not limited to people's courts) may serve legal documents (including but not limited to litigation documents) to you through modern communication methods such as mobile SMS, email, or mail. The phone number, email address, and other contact information you have specified for receiving legal documents are the phone number and email contact information you provided when registering and updating on Foreign Trade Connect. Sending legal documents to the above contact information by judicial authorities shall be deemed as delivery. The mailing address you have specified is your legal contact address or a valid contact address you have provided.

You agree that judicial authorities may use one or more of the above delivery methods to deliver legal documents to you. Judicial authorities may use multiple methods to deliver legal documents to you, and the delivery time shall be based on the earliest delivery method mentioned above.

You agree that the above delivery method is applicable to all stages of judicial proceedings. If entering the litigation process, including but not limited to first instance, second instance, retrial, enforcement, and supervision procedures.

You should ensure that the contact information provided is accurate, effective, and updated in real-time. If the legal documents cannot be delivered or are not delivered in a timely manner due to inaccurate contact information provided or failure to inform the changed contact information in a timely manner, you shall bear the legal consequences that may arise from this.

16. No agency relationship

You have an independent contracting relationship with Foreign Trade Connect only. This agreement does not intend to form or create any agency, partnership, joint venture, employment and employment, or franchise granting and granting relationship.

17. Advertising and financial services

You communicate or engage in business dealings or participate in promotional activities with individuals who advertise on or through the Services, including payment and delivery of related goods or services, as well as any other terms, conditions, warranties, or statements related to such business dealings, only to the extent that they occur between you and the advertiser. You agree that Foreign Trade Tong shall not be responsible or liable for any loss or damage of any kind arising from any such business dealings or the appearance of such advertisers on the Services. If you intend to create or participate in any services related to any company, stock market, investment or securities through the Services, or receive or request any news information, cautionary information, or other materials related to any company, stock market, investment or securities through the Services, please note that Foreign Trade Communication will not be responsible or assume any responsibility for the accuracy, usefulness, availability, or profitability of any such information transmitted through the Services, and will not be responsible or liable for any trading or investment decisions made based on such information.

18. Links

Services or third parties can provide links to other World Wide Web websites or resources. As Foreign Trade Tong does not control such websites and resources, you acknowledge and agree that Foreign Trade Tong is not responsible for the availability of such external websites or resources, and does not recognize any content, promotion, products, services, or other materials on or obtainable from such websites or resources, nor is it responsible or liable for them. You further acknowledge and agree that Foreign Trade Communication shall not be liable for any direct or indirect losses caused (or claimed to be caused) by the use or reliance on such content, promotion, products, services, or other materials obtained from such websites or resources.

19. Notification

Unless otherwise specified, any notice shall be sent in the form of an email, with an email address of k@, or (in your case) to the email address provided by you during the registration process, or to such other address specified by the relevant party. Twenty four (24) hours after the email is sent, the notice shall be deemed delivered unless the sender is informed that the relevant email address has been invalidated. Alternatively, our company can send the notice to the address provided by Outtrade Express during the registration process by prepaid registered mail and requesting a receipt. In this case, the notice shall be deemed delivered three (3) days after the payment date (the third working day).

20. Force Majeure

For reasons beyond the reasonable control of our company, including but not limited to natural disasters, strikes or riots, material shortages or rationing, riots, acts of war, government actions, communication or other facility failures or serious accidents, which result in our company's delay or failure to perform, Foreign Trade Communication shall not be liable to you.

21. Transfer

The transfer of this agreement by Foreign Trade Tong does not require your consent.

22. Other regulations

This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between you and Foreign Trade Express. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China in all aspects. The title of the clause is for convenience only and does not define, limit, interpret or describe the scope or limitations of the clause in any way. If any provision of this Agreement is completely or partially invalid or unenforceable for any reason, it shall be deemed to be severable from this Agreement and may be replaced by a valid new provision that is as close as possible to the intention of the parties and retains the economic purpose required by this Agreement, and in such case, the other provisions of this Agreement shall remain fully valid and binding.

23. Dispute resolution

Any disputes arising from this agreement or our company's services shall be submitted to the Beijing Arbitration Commission for arbitration and resolution.





1. 接受条款


2. 服务使用对象


3. 收费




4. 外贸通站仅作为信息发布平台


5. 您的资料和供买卖的物品




(a) 根据外贸通站所刊载的会员资料表格的要求,提供关于您或贵公司的真实、准确、完整和反映当前情况的资料;您需确认您提供的资料没有任何可能引人误解的陈述和虚假信息(包括但不限于您的姓名或名称、联系人、联系地址、联系电话、电子邮箱地址、邮政编码、传真等有效联系方式)。外贸通将通过您的上述联系方式的其中之一或其中若干向您送达各类通知,而此类通知的内容可能影响您在外贸通的权利义务,请您务必及时关注;

(b) 维持并及时更新会员资料,使其保持真实、准确、完整和反映当前情况。以方便买家及时与您联系。若通过这些联系方式无法与您取得联系,导致您在使用外贸通站过程中产生任何损失或额外费用时,将由您独立承担所有责任;

(c) 外贸通工作人员拥有通过您提供的联系方式(包括不仅限于电子邮件、手机号或联系地址等),以邮件、短信、电话、上门拜访等形式,提供与外贸通站所提供服务相关的各类商业信息(包括不仅限于订单信息、商业活动等)的权利,若您拒绝继续接收上述商业信息,必须以书面方式通知外贸通。







(a) 您授权或同意披露的;

(b) 执行外贸通服务条款的需要;

(c) 保护外贸通、其他用户和社会公众的正当权益或个人安全;

(d) 在第三方有合法、正当理由的前提下,我们会与更多优质供应商共享您的信息,以便第三方向您提供您更优质服务或改进服务质量和个性化程度;

(e) 相应的法律法规要求或当政府机关依照法定程序要求外贸通配合提供有关资料。




在登记过程中,您将选择会员注册名(也称登录名或用户名)和密码。您须自行负责对您的会员注册名和密码保密,且须对您在会员注册名和密码下发生的所有活动承担责任。您同意:(a) 如发现任何人未经授权使用您的会员注册名或密码,或发生违反保密规定的任何其他情况,您会立即通知外贸通;及 (b) 确保您在每个上网时段结束时,以正确步骤离开网站。外贸通不能也不会对因您未能遵守本款规定而发生的任何损失负责。




a. 不会有欺诈成份,与售卖伪造或盗窃无涉;

b. 不会侵犯任何第三人对该物品、资料享有的物权,或知识产权,或隐私权、名誉权;

c. 不会违反任何法律、法规、条例或规章 (包括但不限于关于规范出口管理、贸易配额、保护消费者、不正当竞争或虚假广告的法律、法规、条例或规章);

d. 不会含有诽谤(包括商业诽谤)、非法恐吓或非法骚扰的内容;

e. 不会含有淫秽、或包含任何儿童色情内容;

f. 不会含有蓄意毁坏、恶意干扰、秘密地截取或侵占任何系统、数据或个人资料的任何病毒、伪装破坏程序、电脑蠕虫、定时程序炸弹或其他电脑程序;

g. 不会直接或间接与下述各项货物或服务连接,或包含对下述各项货物或服务的描述:(i) 本协议项下禁止的货物或服务;或 (ii) 您无权连接或包含的货物或服务。此外,您同意不会:(h) 在与任何连锁信件、大量胡乱邮寄的电子邮件、滥发电子邮件或任何复制或多余的信息有关的方面使用“服务”;(i) 未经其他人士同意,利用“服务”收集其他人士的电子邮件地址及其他资料;或 (j) 利用“服务”制作虚假的电子邮件地址,或以其他形式试图在发送人的身份或信息的来源方面误导其他人士。


您不得在本公司网站公布或通过本公司网站买卖:(a) 可能使本公司违反任何相关法律、法规、条例或规章的任何物品;或 (b) 外贸通认为应禁止或不适合通过本网站买卖的任何物品。




6. 您授予本公司的许可使用权

您授予本公司独家的、全球通用的、永久的、免费的许可使用权利 (并有权在多个层面对该权利进行再授权),使本公司有权(全部或部份地) 使用、复制、修订、改写、发布、翻译、分发、执行和展示"您的资料"或制作其派生作品,和/或以现在已知或日后开发的任何形式、媒体或技术,将"您的资料"纳入其他作品内。您明确理解和同意,在不违反法律法规的前提下,外贸通有权在不发出书面通知且不影响您公司产品正常展示的情况下,在您的商铺内推荐本网站相关行业的产品。

7. 隐私


8. 交易程序


产品描述是由您提供的在外贸通站上展示的文字描述、图画和/或照片,可以是 (a) 对您拥有而您希望出售的产品的描述;或 (b) 对您正寻找的产品的描述。您可在外贸通站发布任一类产品描述,或两种类型同时发布,条件是您必须将该等产品描述归入正确的类目内。(c) 未经合法权利人的许可,任何人严禁在本网站展示产品图片,任何未经授权便在本网站上使用该图片都可能违反国际法、商标法、隐私权法、通讯通信等法律法规。外贸通站不对产品描述的准确性或内容负责。


本公司不会且不能牵涉进交易各方的交易当中。倘若您与一名或一名以上用户,或与您通过本公司网站获取其服务的第三者服务供应商发生争议,您免除外贸通 (及本公司代理人和雇员) 在因该等争议而引起的任何 (实际和后果性的) 权利主张、要求和损害赔偿等方面的责任。




9. 交易系统



2) 系统完整性


3) 反馈


10. 终止或访问限制

您同意,在外贸通未向您收费的情况下,外贸通可自行全权决定以任何理由(包括但不限于外贸通认为您已违反条款规定,或您以不符合条款规定的方式行事,或您在超过6个月的时间内未以您的账号及密码登录网站)终止您的“服务”密码、账户(或其任何部份)或您对“服务”的使用,并删除和丢弃您在使用“服务”中提交的 “您的资料”,且“您的资料”被删除后无法找回。


11. 违反规则的处理

在不限制其他补救措施的前提下,发生下述任一情况,本公司可立即发出警告,暂时中止、永久终止您的会员资格,删除您的任何现有产品信息,以及您在网站上展示的任何其他资料:(i) 您违反本协议;(ii) 本公司无法核实或鉴定您向本公司提供的任何资料;或 (iii) 本公司相信您的行为可能会使您、本公司用户或通过本公司或本公司网站提供服务的第三者服务供应商发生任何法律责任。在不限制任何其他补救措施的前提下,倘若发现您从事涉及本公司网站的诈骗活动,外贸通可暂停或终止您的账户。



12. 服务“按现状”提供

本公司会尽一切努力使您在使用外贸通站的过程中得到乐趣。遗憾的是,本公司不能随时预见到任何技术上的问题或其他困难。该等困难可能会导致数据损失或其他服务中断。为此,您明确理解和同意,您使用“服务”的风险由您自行承担。“服务”以“按现状”和“按可得到”的基础提供。外贸通明确声明不作出任何种类的所有明示或暗示的保证,包括但不限于关于适销性、适用于某一特定用途和无侵权行为等方面的保证。外贸通对下述内容不作保证:(i)“服务”会符合您的要求;(ii)“服务”不会中断,且适时、安全和不带任何错误;(iii) 通过使用“服务”而可能获取的结果将是准确或可信赖的;及 (iv) 您通过“服务”而购买或获取的任何产品、服务、资料或其他材料的质量将符合您的预期。通过使用“服务”而下载或以其他形式获取任何材料是由您自行全权决定进行的,且与此有关的风险由您自行承担,对于因您下载任何该等材料而发生的您的电脑系统的任何损毁或任何数据损失,您将自行承担责任。您从外贸通或通过或从“服务”获取的任何口头或书面意见或资料,均不产生未在本协议内明确载明的任何保证。

13. 责任范围

您明确理解和同意,外贸通不对因下述任一情况而发生的任何损害赔偿承担责任,包括但不限于利润、商誉、使用、数据等方面的损失或其他无形损失的损害赔偿 (无论外贸通是否已被告知该等损害赔偿的可能性):(i) 使用或未能使用“服务”;(ii) 因通过或从“服务”购买或获取任何货物、样品、数据、资料或服务,或通过或从“服务”接收任何信息或缔结任何交易所产生的获取替代货物和服务的费用;(iii) 未经批准接入或更改您的传输资料或数据;(iv) 任何第三者对“服务”的声明或关于“服务”的行为;或 (v) 因任何原因而引起的与“服务”有关的任何其他事宜,包括疏忽。

14. 赔偿


15. 遵守法律






16. 无代理关系


17. 广告和金融服务


18. 链接


19. 通知

除非另有明确规定,任何通知应以电子邮件形式发送,电子邮件地址为,或 (就您而言) 发送到您在登记过程中向外贸通提供的电子邮件地址,或有关方指明的该等其他地址。在电子邮件发出二十四 (24) 小时后,通知应被视为已送达,除非发送人被告知相关电子邮件地址已作废。或者,本公司可通过邮资预付挂号邮件并要求回执的方式,将通知发到您在登记过程中向外贸通提供的地址。在该情况下,在付邮当日三 (3) 天后(第三个工作日)通知被视为已送达。

20. 不可抗力


21. 转让


22. 其他规定


23. 争议解决
