Privacy Statement

Foreign Trade Communication hereby declares its commitment to protecting the privacy of visitors through this Privacy Statement

The following text publicly discloses the collection and use of information on our website. Our privacy statement is constantly being improved, and as our service scope expands, we will update our privacy statement at any time. We welcome you to come back at any time to review this statement, or you can send an email to K @ WAIMAOTONG COM provides feedback on your feedback.

All terms of this privacy statement are part of the Service Terms Agreement of Foreign Trade Tong. By agreeing to this agreement, you have agreed to our use and disclosure of your personal information in accordance with this privacy statement.

1.Special precautions for minors

Minors are not allowed to create their own user accounts without the consent of their parents or guardians. If you are a minor, we suggest that you ask your parents or guardians to carefully read this privacy policy and use our services or provide information to us with the consent of your parents or guardians. For cases where we collect personal information of minors using our products or services with the consent of our parents or guardians, we will only use, share, transfer, or disclose this information when permitted by laws and regulations, explicitly agreed upon by our parents or guardians, or necessary to protect minors.

2. Login name and password

When you plan to register as a member, we require you to choose a login name and password. You can only use your account with your password. If you leak your password, you may lose your personally identifiable information and may have adverse consequences for you. Therefore, regardless of any reason that endangers your password security, you should immediately contact K @ WAIMAOTONG COM and we are in contact.

3. Registration information

When you register as a member, we require you to fill in the registration information. Registration information requires your real name, address, phone number, and email address. Additionally, you have been asked to provide your company address, phone number, and a brief description of your services and products. You also have the right to choose to fill in additional information. This information may include the province and city where your company is located, postal code, fax number, homepage, and your position. We obtain membership statistics through registration information. We will use these statistical data to classify our members, such as age, industry, and region, in order to provide targeted new services and opportunities to our members. We may notify you of these new services and opportunities through mobile SMS and email.

4. Automatic information collection

Foreign Trade Communication( is possible to automatically receive and record information from your browser and computer, including your IP address, information from Foreign Trade Cookies, software and hardware feature information, and web page records of your needs. We track IP addresses for identity and transaction authenticity identification, security considerations, and other compliance with national regulations. If we do not find any security issues, we will delete the IP addresses we have collected after sixty days. We will also track all day page access data, which will be used to reflect website traffic, so that we can plan for future development (such as optimizing services, adding servers, etc.).

5. The use of cookies

Cookies are a small amount of data, and if you do not refuse to accept cookies, Cookies will be sent to your browser and stored on your computer's hard drive. We use cookies to store data related to your visits to our website. When you visit or revisit our website, we can identify you and provide you with better and more services by analyzing the data.

You have the right to choose to accept or reject cookies. You can refuse to accept cookies by modifying your browser settings, but we need to remind you that because you refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to use some features of our website as they depend on cookies to implement.

6. Disclosure and Use of Information

We will not provide, sell, rent, share, or trade personal information of users to any unrelated third party, but for the convenience of your use of the services of Foreign Trade Tong and the services of Foreign Trade Tong affiliated companies or other organizations (hereinafter referred to as "other services"), you agree and authorize Foreign Trade Tong to transmit your personal information to Foreign Trade Tong affiliated companies or other organizations that you also receive other services, or to obtain your personal information from Foreign Trade Tong affiliated companies or other organizations that provide you with other services.

We will conduct comprehensive statistics on your and/or your company's identity and transaction data, and disclose such comprehensive statistics to advertisers for reasonable purposes and purposes determined by Foreign Trade Connect. However, in these cases, we will not disclose any information to these institutions that may be used to identify the user's personal identity, but information analyzed from the user's username or other disclosable information is not subject to this limitation.

You agree that we may disclose or use your personal information for the purpose of identifying and/or confirming your identity, resolving disputes, or helping to ensure website security, restrict fraud, illegal or other criminal activities, in order to enforce our service agreement.

You agree that we may disclose or use your personal information to protect the safety of your life and property, or to prevent serious infringement of the legitimate rights and interests of others or for the public interest.

You agree that we may disclose or use your personal information to improve our services and make our services more in line with your requirements, thereby providing you with a better user experience when using our services.

You agree that we will use your personal information to contact you and provide you with information that you may be interested in, such as commercial short messages introducing, promoting products, services, promotional discounts, or business investment opportunities. Your acceptance of the "Foreign Trade Service Agreement" and this "Privacy Statement" is an express agreement to receive this information; If you do not agree to receive the aforementioned information, you can unsubscribe through the method provided by Foreign Trade Express.

Our website publishes business opportunities and quotes submitted by users, and other users can access these quotes and business opportunities.

When we are compelled by law or at the request of the government or rights holders to identify suspected infringers, we will disclose your information in good faith.

7. The use of website example information

The information provided on this website regarding user examples such as "Zhang San" and "Beijing Fugui Technology Co., Ltd." is only used as examples for filling out rules and does not represent the true individual or company.

8. Storage and exchange of information

The collected user information and data will be stored on the servers of Foreign Trade Tong and/or its affiliated companies.

9. External links

This website contains links to other websites, and Foreign Trade Express is not responsible for the privacy protection measures of those websites. We may add business partners or share brand websites whenever needed.

10. Public transaction information

The information or quotation of the items you provide for trade will be displayed in the public area and made public to any user. Please note that all information disclosed in these venues will become public information. Please carefully consider before deciding to disclose your personal information.

11. Security

Our website has corresponding security measures to ensure that the information we have is not lost, abused, or altered. These security measures include backing up data to other servers and encrypting user passwords. Despite these security measures, we may still be unable to avoid situations where humans are unable to defend themselves, such as server hardware damage or malicious attacks from others.

12. Modify your profile

After successfully logging in, you can modify or update your personal information, password, and other information in the background.

13. Contact us

If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this privacy statement or the privacy protection measures of Foreign Trade Express, as well as any issues you may have during use, please send an email to K @ WAIMAOTONG COM and contact us.







2. 登录名和密码


3. 注册信息


4. 信息自动收集

外贸通(有可能自动接收并记录您的浏览器和计算机上的信息,其中包括您的 IP 地址,外贸通 Cookies 中的信息、软硬件特征信息、以及您需求的网页记录。我们跟踪 IP 地址是出于身份和交易真实性的识别、安全考虑和其它符合国家规定的要求。如果我们没有发现任何安全问题,我们会在六十天后删除我们收集到的 IP 地址。我们还将跟踪全天的页面访问数据,该数据被用来反映网站的流量,以使我们可以为未来的发展制定计划(例如优化服务、增加服务器等)。

5. Cookies的使用

Cookies 是少量的数据,在您未拒绝接受 Cookies 的情况下,Cookies 将被发送到您的浏览器,并储存在您的计算机硬盘。我们使用 Cookies 储存您访问我们网站的相关数据,在您访问或再次访问我们的网站时,我们能识别您的身份,并通过分析数据为您提供更好更多的服务。

您有权选择接受或拒绝接受 Cookies 。您可以通过修改浏览器的设置以拒绝接受 Cookies ,但是我们需要提醒您,因为您拒绝接受 Cookies ,您可能无法使用我们网站的部分功能,因为它们依赖于 Cookies 才能实现。

6. 信息的披露和使用









7. 网站示例信息的使用


8. 信息的存储和交换


9. 外部链接


10. 公开的交易信息


11. 安全


12. 修改您的资料


13. 联系我们

