Liquid organic nutrient fertilizer is dissolved in water and used for foliar spraying, watering by water systems, to water roots zone, as plant grow regulator and soil conditioner.
In comparison with other fertilizers it has the following advantages:
1. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are not chemically combined, so plant can easily absorb them.
2. Inlike animal composts, it does not include weed hayseed and is not infected with malignant bacteria and flora.
3.Compared to peat, it contains a larger number of organic substances required for vitality of plants.
4. It is a natural biological stimulator of plant growth, rich of almost all kinds of microelements, humic and fulvic acids.
5. Being a soil-forming substance, it increases humus content in soil thus thickening the fertile layer, therefore its presence in rocky and sandy soils is critical.
6. Providing control of moisture and air retention, it improves the basic structure of soil stabilizing its air and water conditioning.
7. In the soil it acts as safety agent against radioactive substances, such as strontium, cesium and other heavy metals, keeping them bonded and inaccessible for plants.
8. Its re-cultivationing effect lasts for more than 7 years.
9. Proteins and carotene content in plants goes up considerably while decreasing the content of nitrates, nitrites and heavy metal salts in edible plants.
10. Its components are slowly dissolving that provides plants with well-balanced vital elements.
11. Combined with mineral fertilizers it improves their structure and prevents them from caking.
Methods of application:
1. Landscape gardening (sandy soil, sand)
For growth in big land: 2.0 liter of liquid organic nutrient fertilizer is diluted by 400 - 600 liters of water for 1ha crop of fertilization. Optimal fertilization is minimum 3 -4 times of fertilization per growth season with NPK, biological or chemical pesticides (if needed).
It is recommended to apply one time to sand at a depth of 10 cm at the rate 1000 liters (1m3 ) on 20 m2 area, or 500 m3 on 1ha, mixing with sandy soil. Furthermore you need to add it not often than 1 time in 4 years at the rate 40 m3 of soil conditioner on 1 ha of area, or 40000 liters on 1ha only.
2. Agriculture
Depending on agricultural factors of soil and requirements of growing plants the soil conditiner can be applied not often than 1 time in 3 years at the rate 40 m3 of soil conditioner on 1 ha of area, or 40000 liters on 1ha.
For seed treatment and replanting of materials treatment before sowing: 20 ml of liquid organic nutrient fertilizer is diluted to 10 liter of water. Soaking seeds and tubers, wetting plant roots before planting and thinning.
For plant feeding to roots (by watering method): watering the plant 2 - 3 times at the initial development stage (in range 10-14 days). Preparing of mix: 20 ml. of liquid organic nutrient fertilizer to dilute to 10 liter of water. Can be mixed if needed with NPK fertilizer together. To use from spring to autumn. Consumption depends on the cultivation and soil fertility.
For hydroponic systems use liquid organic nutrient fertilizer 1.0 lter to 1000 liters of water tank, can use with other micro elements and biological or chemical fungicides.