Highlighter is a blended whisky with perfect quality and balanced taste. It has notes of oak and cocoal. The whisky comes in bottles, cans and in bulk. We also offer Private label .
The Nordix factory is one of the very few in Bulgaria having at its disposal a licensed distillery for production of high-quality malt and corn whiskies. Produced from specially chosen batches distillate having been matured in oak casks at least 3 years, the whisky of the Nordix distillery boasts an inimitable fragrance and balanced taste.
The Nordix distillery offers the following brands of whisky on the market: "Highlander", "Premier", "Nordix Family", "Titanic" and "Senator".
Packages: Bottles of 0.20 l, 0.35 1, 0.70 l, 0.75 l, 1.00 l; Cans of 0.330 l
For more information do not hesitate to contact us.