1、For producing humic acid water soluble fetilizer:
Can be compounded with a certain proportion of NPK for producing humic acid water soluble fertilizer.
2、For producing compound microbial fertilizer:
Can be compounded with appropriate microbial agent for producing water soluble compound microbial fertilizer.
3、For producing organic water soluble fertilizer:
It can be used directly as water soluble organic fertilizer by spray application, drip irrigation, water flushing and flood irrigation.
4、For producing aquatic fertilizer:
As the high quality aquatic fertilizer, it provides rich amino acid and vegetable protein for the plankton. Aquatic fertilizer manufacturer or
grower can adjust the usage according to the local water condition after testing it.
5、For using directly:
Water flushing or drip irrigation. 300-750 kgs/hectare, will get a better effect if use together with other macro element fertilizer.